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0146267663 42 男性
2 文章
分數 0.0
色情故事   2011-09-15

初嘗滋味的小強結交了一位 作風大膽的女孩。 一晚他們兩在濱海公路夜 遊…… 兩人頓時天雷勾動地火, 上在車裡做了起來…… 終於,車內兩人好不容易才 平靜下來…… 小強說:「親愛的,滿不滿 意我的表現啊?」 女的嬌喘地說:「你真是百 分之百的男人,你想不想要 有個家呢?」 ...

0 評論, 107 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,1.69 分數
sm3828 44 伴侶(男人和女人)
1 文章
分數 0.0
文章內容   2010-11-11

僅限原創內容 ─ 此雜志只提供會員原創內容寫作。任何剽竊的內容將會被本站移除。同時,請遵守 ALT.com 的 使用條款 如果您發現有不符合ALT.com 規定的內容或某文章可能在其他地方發表過,請聯繫我們的 投訴部

0 評論, 247 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.47 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
邻~d   2008-11-12

XXSA长ݤ@faA头WA˦b刚刚h来还ΩnF发WA|着įkLM޻KC ...

1 評論, 333 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,2.80 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
小小愛奴   2008-11-08


  當我決定了自己的計劃迷奸表妹芸芸後,星期六就在家裡細細地準備行事的 前後步驟,拿出芸芸的筆記本開始一頁一頁的看。這種日記大概是女生專用的, 上面還有記載排卵日期。


1 評論, 278 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,5.10 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
調教岳母 上海熟女   2008-11-08

“我說小偉啊!拜託走快點啦,儂曉得啦,阿拉還要回家做飯呢!” 一個四十一的性感女人,伴隨着黑色高跟鞋踩在水泥路上發出的“躂躂”聲,嘴里對我不停的嘟噥著。 ...

1 評論, 320 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.94 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
調教清純老婆的真實經驗   2008-10-30

我今年二十六歲,老婆比我小一歲,長得很清秀乖巧,皮膚非常非常白,或許因為還沒生孩 子,所以身材還保持得不錯,身高約169公分,體重51公斤,摸起來感覺有點肉肉的卻不顯 胖,胸圍有33D,腰圍26.5,臀圍較寬約36但翹起屁股時卻會令我瘋狂;別看她已25歲了, ...

0 評論, 216 瀏覽次數, 7 票 ,4.82 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
之車   2008-10-30

我今年二十八歲,自打老公把我拋棄與小秘結婚后,我做什么都覺得沒意思,好在分了老公好大一筆財產,經濟方面不用發愁,無事便在網上尋找樂子與刺激。今天,我照例登上一家熟悉的黃色網站,流覽了一圈后,發現這家網站開了一個新鏈接。FLASH做得怪神秘的。于是點擊進入。 ...

0 評論, 150 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.86 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
監獄管教的老婆讓犯人們給輪奸了   2008-10-21

主人公有五個人,老大叫:老黃,老二叫:大明,老三叫:大頭,老四叫:小 四,第五主人公則是管教的老婆叫:小玉。

  事情是這樣的:老黃是一個45歲的中年人,而且是一位老板,剩下那三個人 則是老黃的手下,老黃是一個中年老板,雖然生意做得很紅火,每天也沒什麼事, ...

0 評論, 194 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,2.47 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
兩個被強姦的女服務生   2008-10-21

思路 - 貌似玉女林喜欣,21歲,肌膚雪白無瑕而且柔嫩, 並且擁有嬌人的身材;三圍是36F,23,34動人 的嫵媚中多了幾分可愛。 水裡,18歲, 很(BANMEPCS)鮮嫩,一頭長髮但三圍卻很突出,雖不及思路,亦有35D,21,33是位小波霸。青春 無敵,樣子清純甜美楚楚動人。 ...

1 評論, 207 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.65 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
被調教的美女刑警   2008-10-20





0 評論, 157 瀏覽次數, 2 票 ,3.81 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
医;޷sQ   2008-10-18



0 評論, 226 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,2.49 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
姊夫出差了.我和姊姊搞   2008-10-17



0 評論, 214 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,3.01 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
我要和姐做愛到天明   2008-10-17


1 評論, 221 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.08 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
©Ê­h«Ý¹CÀ¸   2008-10-04

這天下班時,辦公室同事阿勝約阿強去家裡看錄像,並說是剛從日本帶過來的SM錄 影帶。阿強問︰「甚麼是SM呢?」

阿勝笑道︰「怎麼你這麼老土,連SM都不懂?SM就是性虐待,本來是西方最流行 的。現在的日本更流行。走吧,看過你就喜歡了。」


0 評論, 140 瀏覽次數, 4 票 ,1.30 分數
cavan81 39 男性
13 文章
分數 0.0
我和兩個四十熟女3P的經歷   2008-09-28


0 評論, 224 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,3.70 分數
jasons0823 42 男性
6 文章
分數 0.0
淫蕩女學生   2007-07-28

隔天,當我照鏡子時,發覺我變成了熊貓。 我心裡想著:「唉!都是陳明珍、郭靜淳害的!」 到了學校時,已經遲到了,連升旗都過了。於是,我快步跑到教室,只見班導師周惠敏正跟同學訓話。 她看到我進教室,就說:「×××,為什麼這樣晚來?」 ...

0 評論, 696 瀏覽次數, 13 票 ,4.65 分數
kinkykeef71 52 伴侶(男人和女人)
5 文章
分數 6.0
Part 2 to the B & Q story, pony girl..   2024-04-24

Please ready part of this story first! <br><br> Tracey was jostled and bumped around, helpless, welded and inescapable to the sides of the van, her high heels slipped on the metal floor of the van and she longed to be able to kick them off, but with the chains welded around her ankles and to the sides of the van meant her movements were limited. <br><br> At least with the ...

2 評論, 92 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,5.93 分數
whiteslut4u2use 69 男性
17 文章
分數 0.2
Getting lost pt 5   2024-04-17

After thinking about it for awhile I decided on taking the black man’s offer of being a part time farm sex slave, which is what I am going to be when I agree to his terms. I don’t like it but it seems like the lesser of two evils, either agree to come back on a regular basis or run the risk of being caught and then being forced to stay permanently. The black man came back after awhile and ...

0 評論, 85 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,4.41 分數
Victor653 42 男性
7 文章
分數 0.0
Pride Parade   2024-04-15

The night before pride parade day I got into town and checked into my hotel. Next day, I got up early, took a shower, dressed, had a quick breakfast and headed toward the parade site nearby. The site was packed with large crowds when I got there. As I was looking for a place to stand, I noticed this good-looking masculine guy was staring and smiling at me as if he was dreaming of having hot sex ...

0 評論, 81 瀏覽次數, 1 票 ,3.70 分數
slaveyearning 43 女性
36 文章
分數 0.0
am I the only one ?   2024-04-12

I work in a local gov't office for a real prick of a man. He is married to a nice woman that does not deserve his treatment of her. I know about how he treated her because he bragged to me almost every day. <br><br> I dont know if women chased him or treated him like he said but I am sure he thought of himself like he was some kind of gift to women. <br><br> After ...

3 評論, 160 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,4.79 分數
tommyoral5 58 男性
1 文章
分數 0.0
The Pool is done part 3   2024-04-10

I could taste Pats pussy juices on his cock his salty cum and salt from the pool. So this went on for a while we would get together once a week for a fuck suck fest always at our house we have no kids. Always same room all play, which was fun. Then one day all 4 of us were on our king bed playing Katie and I were taking a break Brian was on top of Pat then we all could tell he just had a nice ...

2 評論, 109 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,4.12 分數
tommyoral5 58 男性
1 文章
分數 0.0
The Pool is done part 2   2024-04-09

Katie sucked me and swallowed my load she kissed me and we laid back for a minute. Then it was the guys turn I turned Kati over on her back and kissed her then kissed down her neck to her perky tits Brian was doing the same. I noticed the girls were holding hands I sucked licked and played with Kati's perky tits and then moved down Brian had never had so much to play with he stayed on Pats ...

0 評論, 114 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,3.92 分數
tommyoral5 58 男性
1 文章
分數 0.0
The pool is done   2024-04-09

So my wife Pat and I put in a pool last year. We have been married 29 years I am a bear type 6-2 275 lb and hairy she is 5 foot nothing round face stellar c cup tits and a shaved pussy. We have been vanilla all of our marriage. Then we had some of our oldest friends over for a swim. Kati and Brian I have know kati since we were 12 met brian when they started dating when she was 17 Brian is 5;6 ...

1 評論, 116 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,3.93 分數
mellowness2 69 男性
0 文章
分數 0.0
running away from home   2024-04-07

I began at around 10 years old. I would stay at friend’s houses and when I could not, stay at a bowling alley or Laundromat to stay warm until they kicked me out. I would occasionally be caught by the police and sent home or to the DT (Detention Center). When I was 11 or 12 I was sleeping in a closet in a Laundromat and the woman who maintained it found me. She was nice and offered me a shower ...

0 評論, 97 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,4.41 分數
mellowness 69 男性
0 文章
分數 0.0
running away from home   2024-04-07

I began running away from home at around 10 years old. I would stay at friend’s houses and when I could not, stay at a bowling alley or Laundromat to stay warm until they kicked me out. I would occasionally be caught by the police and sent home or to the DT (Detention Center). When I was 11 or 12 I was sleeping in a closet in a Laundromat and the woman who maintained it found me. She was nice ...

0 評論, 67 瀏覽次數, 3 票 ,2.45 分數
WannaSpread 73 男性
1 文章
分數 0.0
Time to Bottom yet?   2024-04-05

Part #1 Knowing at my age, ED was going to hit me some time soon I decided to find out what bottoming would be like so read some stories and watched a ton of ass fucking videos to see what I may be in for if I got on bottom and let some top have his way with my ass. Thought about doing this for years and finally stopped by an Adult Book Store during my travels and bought some toys to see what I ...

2 評論, 94 瀏覽次數, 5 票 ,3.14 分數
kinkykeef71 52 伴侶(男人和女人)
5 文章
分數 6.0
A visit to B & Q and a forced entry to a chained pussy.   2024-04-02

Tracey sat in her car nervously, her fingers intertwining constantly. She glanced at them and willed them into stillness, as soon as she looked away her fingers started again. <br><br> Her heart pounded as she waited for her phone to beep at her to tell her she had a whatsapp. <br><br> It didn’t. <br><br> Mouth dry with anticipation and fear she scrolled ...

7 評論, 194 瀏覽次數, 15 票 ,6.35 分數
boredukwife 31 女性
15 文章
分數 0.2
Learning how the world works?   2024-04-02

“But I’ve never done anything like this. I don’t know if I can.” <br><br> Jo-Anne Wiley sat at the front of Mrs Hadden’s big walnut desk and wound her fingers into the hem of her skirt. <br><br> “Jo-Anne, ” Mrs Hadden looked over half-rimmed glasses, “we want you to be a success. It’s good for me, for you. And everyone who works here. Understand? But you ...

4 評論, 229 瀏覽次數, 10 票 ,4.98 分數
kinkykeef71 52 伴侶(男人和女人)
5 文章
分數 6.0
Any Takers   2024-03-22

Bucket list selection of our summer activities in our local wood.. <br><br> <br><br> 1 At a random time when we are deeper in the woods and off the main paths, Instruct me to remove my shoes. We walk on and then whenever you wish you instruct me to remove my shirt. Put on the neck collar and cuff my hands behind my back. We walk on and then you stop and undo my shorts ...

0 評論, 162 瀏覽次數, 6 票 ,1.66 分數
whiteslut4u2use 69 男性
17 文章
分數 0.2
Getting lost pt.4   2024-03-18

After a little while the black farm owner came back and said that he had talked to his friends and came up with a plan that might work for everyone. He said that most of his black friends want to keep me permanently, so as a compromise he agreed to one of their other ideas along with an adjustment in terms. He said it’s going to be good news and bad news for me, the good news for now is that I ...

3 評論, 133 瀏覽次數, 8 票 ,2.78 分數